PowerPC G5
The World’s First 64-Bit Desktop Processor
White Paper
July 2003
White Paper
PowerPC G5
The revolutionary PowerPC G5 changes everything you know about personal computing.
Suddenly, the next generation of high-performance applications for design and graphics,
media production, and scientific research is possible and practical on the desktop. That’s
because the PowerPC G5 brings a 64-bit architecture to the Mac platform—ushering in
an exciting new era in personal computing.
Key Features
• 64-bit architecture, capable of addressing
18 exabytes of memory
• Clock speeds up to 2GHz
• 1GHz frontside bus for throughput of up to
8 GBps per processor
• Dual independent 1GHz frontside buses in
dual processor systems
• Superscalar execution core supporting up to
215 in-flight instructions
• Velocity Engine for accelerated single-
instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) processing
• Two double-precision floating-point units
for high-speed advanced computation
• Massive three-component branch prediction
logic to increase processing efficiency
• Native compatibility with existing 32-bit
application code
The introduction of the PowerPC G5 is a product of Apple’s partnership with IBM, lever-
aging the most advanced chip design and manufacturing expertise in the world. The
results are phenomenal: 130-nanometer fabrication technology, 2GHz clock speeds, and
an all-new PowerPC architecture. Together, they put enormous computing power within
the reach of personal computer users:
• The ability to address huge amounts of memory provides ultrafast data access, boosting
performance for 2D imaging, 3D design, and video rendering tasks.
• A high-bandwidth execution core with 12 functional units improves performance by
executing multiple instructions per cycle in parallel.
• An optimized 128-bit Velocity Engine cranks through image editing tasks, high-
definition video transitions, and complex scientific analysis.
• State-of-the-art process technology
from IBM
• Two double-precision floating-point units accelerate 64-bit calculations for 3D
visualization, research simulations, and multitrack audio creation.
The G5 processor is making its debut in the Power Mac G5, the world’s fastest personal
computer according to industry-standard SPEC benchmarks.1 Now Power Mac users can
tackle projects never before possible on a desktop system—and blaze through their
work faster than ever. In fact, the Power Mac G5 runs Adobe Photoshop more than two
times faster than the fastest Pentium 4–based system.2 Best of all, the PowerPC G5 runs
32-bit code—including existing Mac OS X applications—natively, so the transition to
64-bit power is absolutely seamless.
Welcome to the PowerPC G5, the world’s first 64-bit desktop processor and the heart
of the new Power Mac.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
The World’s First 64-Bit
Desktop Processor
The PowerPC G5 marks the arrival of 64-bit performance to the personal computer
market. With 64-bit-wide data paths and registers, this groundbreaking new processor
can address vast amounts of main memory and handle multiple large integer and
floating-point math calculations in a single clock cycle.
32-bit processing
Postcard =
24 in.2 (155 cm2)
An Exponential Leap in Computing Power
The label “32-bit” or “64-bit” characterizes the width of a microprocessor’s data stream,
which is a function of the sizes of its registers and the internal data paths that feed the
registers. A 64-bit processor moves data and instructions along 64-bit-wide data paths—
compared with the 32-bit-wide paths on 32-bit processors, such as the Pentium 4. In
addition, 64-bit processors have wide registers that can store 64-bit numbers as well
as 32-bit numbers.
64-bit processing
Manhattan =
22 mi.2 (57 km2)
4.3 billion times bigger
To grasp the exponential leap from 32-bit to
64-bit processing, imagine equating the range
of numbers a processor can express with a
two-dimensional area. A 32-bit processor can
express a range of integers equal to the size
of a postcard, while a 64-bit processor can
express a range of integers larger than the
island of Manhattan.
The leap from 32-bit to 64-bit processing represents an exponential advance in com-
puting power. With 32-bit registers, a processor has a dynamic range of 232, or 4.3
billion—which means it can express integers from 0 to 4.3 billion. With 64-bit registers,
the dynamic range catapults to 264, or 18 billion billion—4.3 billion times larger than
the range of a 32-bit processor.
Memory Addressing up to 18 Exabytes
The move to 64-bit processing results in a similarly dramatic leap in the amount of
memory supported. A memory address is a special kind of integer, and each address
points to one byte in memory. Since memory addresses are computed in 64-bit registers
capable of expressing 18 billion billion integers, the PowerPC G5 can theoretically
address 18 exabytes (18 billion billion bytes) of virtual memory.
In practice, memory addressing is defined by the physical address space of the processor.
The PowerPC G5, with 42 bits of physical address space, supports a colossal 242 bytes,
or 4 terabytes, of system memory. Although it’s not currently feasible to purchase 4 tera-
bytes of RAM, very large quantities of memory enable a desktop system to contain a
gigantic 3D model, a complex scientific simulation, or a sequence of HD video entirely
in RAM—drastically reducing the time to access, modify, and render the data.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
High-Precision Calculations in a Single Clock Cycle
With 64-bit-wide data paths and registers, the PowerPC G5 can execute instructions
on 64 bits of data in a single clock cycle—making it possible to perform huge integer
calculations and highly precise floating-point mathematics. In contrast, a 32-bit pro-
cessor would have to split up any data larger than 32 bits and process it over multiple
clock cycles. The advanced calculation capability of the PowerPC G5 is critical in state-
of-the-art applications for scientific simulations, 3D modeling, and video effects.
Clock Speeds up to 2GHz
The PowerPC G5 features a scalable design that enables it to run at clock speeds
up to 2GHz. This represents a 600MHz jump, the largest in PowerPC history, over the
fastest G4 processor at 1.4GHz. What’s more, this breakthrough clock speed boosts
performance across the board, accelerating everything from gaming frame rates to
digital audio effects.
Industry-Leading 1GHz Frontside Bus
PowerPC G5
PowerPC G5
To harness the power of the G5 processor, a 64-bit Double Data Rate (DDR) frontside
bus maximizes throughput between the processor and the rest of the system. Unlike
conventional processor interfaces, which carry data in only one direction at a time, the
PowerPC G5 features two dedicated unidirectional 32-bit data paths (64 bits total): One
travels into the processor and one travels from the processor, with no wait time while
the processor and the system controller negotiate which will use the bus or while the
bus switches direction. In addition, the data streams integrate clock signals along with
the data—allowing the frontside bus to work at speeds up to 1GHz for an astounding
8 GBps of total bandwidth.
The bidirectional frontside bus allows data to
travel to and from the PowerPC G5 processor
at the same time. In dual processor systems,
each PowerPC G5 has its own dedicated inter-
face to maximize throughput—compared
with dual Xeon-based systems, which force
the processors to share a single bus.
In dual PowerPC G5 systems, each processor has its own discrete 1GHz frontside bus.
The result is a maximum aggregate bandwidth of 16 GBps on dual 2GHz Power Mac
G5 systems, well over twice the 6.4-GBps maximum throughput of Pentium 4– or
Xeon-based systems. In addition to providing fast access to main memory, this high-
performance frontside bus architecture enables each PowerPC G5 to discover and
access data in the other processor’s caches—a process called intervention. Cache
intervention is made possible by cache coherency, which ensures that the processor
always fetches the correct data, even if it has been modified and is in L2 cache.
Full Support for Symmetric Multiprocessing
The PowerPC G5 is designed for symmetric multiprocessing—enabling multiple
applications to run independently on different processors or a single multithreaded
application to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. For example, while performing
an edit, Final Cut Pro can decode two pieces of source video, one on each processor,
at the same time.
With dual independent frontside buses and built-in cache coherency, a dual processor
system manages priorities between the two processors for maximum efficiency. And
since Mac OS X was built from the ground up for symmetric multiprocessing, no special
optimization is required for software to take advantage of this powerful capability.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Native Compatibility with 32-Bit Application Code
On other platforms, switching to a 64-bit computer requires migrating to a 64-bit
operating system (and purchasing 64-bit applications) or running a 32-bit operating
system in a slow emulation mode. With the PowerPC G5, the transition to a 64-bit
system is seamless: Current 32-bit code—such as existing Mac OS X and Classic
applications—runs natively at processor speed, with no interruptions to your work-
flow and no additional investment in software.
This easy compatibility is possible because the PowerPC architecture, unlike competing
instruction sets, was designed from the beginning to run both 32-bit and 64-bit appli-
cation code. And because the PowerPC G5 uses the same Velocity Engine instruction
set introduced in the PowerPC G4, applications that have been optimized for Velocity
Engine will immediately run faster on the new processor. What’s more, as applications
are optimized and as Mac OS X is further enhanced for the PowerPC G5, performance
gains will be even greater.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Next-Generation PowerPC
The PowerPC G5 is a highly parallel implementation of the PowerPC architecture,
capable of handling multiple assorted tasks at the same time. It’s based on the execu-
tion core of IBM’s 64-bit POWER4 processor—recipient of the Microprocessor Report’s
2001 Analyst’s Choice Award for Best Workstation/Server Processor, which recognizes
excellence in semiconductor technology innovation, design, and implementation.
With two double-precision floating-point units, advanced branch prediction logic,
and a high-bandwidth frontside bus, the POWER4 drives IBM’s top-of-the-line pSeries
690 servers.
Apple collaborated with IBM to leverage this industry-leading design for the next
generation of personal computing. The development of the PowerPC G5 builds on
previous PowerPC designs, combining an optimized Velocity Engine with a superscalar,
superpipelined execution core that supports up to 215 simultaneous in-flight instruc-
tions. And all this power is fabricated in IBM’s state-of-the-art 130-nanometer process
technology using high-performance silicon-on-insulator (SOI) transistors and copper
The PowerPC G5 is fabricated using state-of-
the-art 130-nanometer circuitry with more
than 1130 feet of ultrathin wiring—nearly
800 times thinner than a human hair.
Ultrafast Access to Data and Instructions
The PowerPC G5 features processing innovations that optimize the flow of data
and instructions—making it ideal for media streaming, HD video editing, real-time
effects, audio synthesis, image processing, 3D rendering, numerical analysis, and
physical modeling.
It starts with 512K of L2 cache that provides the execution core with ultrafast access to
data and instructions—up to 32 GBps. Instructions are prefetched from the L2 cache
into a large, direct-mapped 64K L1 cache at up to 64 GBps. As they are accessed from
the L1 cache, up to eight instructions are fetched per clock cycle. Next, instructions are
decoded and divided into smaller, faster-executing operations. In addition, 32K of L1
data cache can prefetch up to eight active data streams simultaneously.
This efficient preparation maximizes processing speed as instructions are dispatched
into the execution core and data is loaded into the registers.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
PowerPC G5 Architecture
Highly Parallel Execution Core
At the heart of the PowerPC G5 is an entirely new superscalar, superpipelined execution
core, composed of 12 functional units that execute different types of instructions con-
currently for massive data throughput. Before instructions are dispatched into the
functional units, they are arranged into groups of up to five. Within the core alone,
the PowerPC G5 can track up to 20 groups at a time, or 100 individual instructions. This
efficient group-tracking scheme enables the PowerPC G5 to manage an unusually large
number of instructions “in flight”: 20 instructions in each of the five dispatch groups,
in addition to 100-plus instructions in the various fetch, decode, and queue stages.
Up to 215 in-flight instructions
A wide architecture with 12 discrete processing
units enables the PowerPC G5 to contain up
to 215 in-flight instructions simultaneously—
71 percent more than the 126 instructions in
a Pentium 4.
Aggressive Queuing and Register Renaming
The PowerPC G5 includes extensive instruction queueing and renamable data registers
that maximize the utilization of each functional unit. Once an instruction group is dis-
patched into the execution core, it is broken into individual instructions, which proceed
to the appropriate functional unit. Each functional unit has its own dedicated queue,
where multiple instructions are sequenced for processing.
At the same time, the load/store units load the associated data from L1 cache into the
data registers behind the units that will be processing the data. To improve processing
efficiency, the PowerPC G5 features a large number of rename registers that act as
proxies, or placeholders, until the appropriate data arrives for execution. The instruction
is held in queue, allowing other operations to take place until the actual data is loaded
into the registers.
When operations on the data are complete, the PowerPC G5 recombines the instructions
into the original groups of five, and the load/store units store the data in cache or main
memory to complete processing.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Optimized 128-Bit Velocity Engine
The PowerPC G5 uses a dual-pipelined Velocity Engine optimized with two independent
queues and dedicated 128-bit registers and data paths for efficient instruction and data
flow. This 128-bit vector processing unit accelerates data manipulation by applying a sin-
gle instruction to multiple data at the same time, known as SIMD processing. Originally
implemented in the PowerPC G4, the Velocity Engine in the PowerPC G5 uses the same
set of 162 instructions, enabling it to run—and accelerate—existing Mac OS X applica-
tions that have been optimized for the Velocity Engine.
Vector processing is useful for transforming large sets of data, such as manipulating an
image or rendering a video effect. For example, when a designer uses a filter to apply
a motion blur to an image, each pixel of the image must be changed according to the
same set of instructions—a highly repetitive processing task. Each Velocity Engine pipe-
line speeds up this task by processing up to 128 bits of data, in four 32-bit integers, eight
16-bit integers, sixteen 8-bit integers, or four 32-bit single-precision floating-point values,
all in a single clock cycle.
The Velocity Engine can manipulate 128
bits of data at a time, up to four times
faster than the general processing units
in 32-bit processors.
Two Double-Precision Floating-Point Units
Today’s powerful applications demand both precision and performance. That’s why the
PowerPC G5 has two double-precision floating-point units, enabling it to complete at
least two 64-bit mathematical calculations per clock cycle. In fact, each floating-point
unit can perform both an add and a multiply with a single instruction. This dramatically
accelerates highly complex computations that are critical in research simulations and in
many of the applications used to manipulate or render 3D graphics and video content.
Weather prediction is one example of a highly iterative computing task made possible
by floating-point math. Large-scale models simulate weather patterns over time by mea-
suring multiple influences, such as atmospheric pressure and airflow, at various instants
and recalculating the model every minute. The PowerPC G5 provides the precision and
performance to deliver accurate results within a useful timeframe.
Two Integer Units
Integer units perform simple integer mathematics—such as add, subtract, and compare—
which are commonly used in many basic computer functions, as well as in imaging,
video, and audio applications. The PowerPC G5 has two integer units capable of a broad
range of simple and complex instructions involving both 32-bit and 64-bit data. What’s
more, they take full advantage of the processor’s 64-bit registers and data paths to com-
plete 64-bit integer calculations in a single pass.
Two Load/Store Units
Load/store units manage data as it is processed, loading it into the registers of each
functional unit and, after processing, storing the new data in L1 cache, L2 cache, or main
memory, as appropriate. The PowerPC G5 is generously equipped with three large sets of
registers: A general-purpose register file contains 64-bit registers for integer calculations;
a floating-point register file contains 64-bit registers for floating-point calculations; and
a vector register file contains 128-bit registers for the Velocity Engine. Each register file
holds 32 registers for architected values, as well as 48 rename, or proxy, registers. With
two load/store units, the PowerPC G5 is able to keep these registers filled with data for
maximum processing efficiency.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Condition Register
This special 32-bit register summarizes the states of the floating-point and integer units.
The condition register also indicates the results of comparison operations and provides
a means for testing them as branch conditions. By bridging information between the
branch unit and other functional units, the condition register improves the flow of data
throughout the execution core.
Three-Component Branch Prediction Logic
Advanced processors use branch prediction and speculative operation to increase
efficiency. A branch is a question in the processing queue: Which instruction should
go next? Branch prediction anticipates the answer; and speculative operation causes
that instruction to be executed. If the prediction is correct, the processor works more
efficiently—since the speculative operation has executed an instruction before it’s
required. If the prediction is incorrect, the processor must clear the unneeded branch,
as well as any related data and instructions, resulting in an empty space called a pipeline
bubble. Pipeline bubbles reduce performance as the processor marks time waiting for
the next instruction.
The PowerPC G5 features an innovative three-component branch prediction logic
to reduce pipeline bubbles and maximize processor efficiency. The success or failure
of each prediction is captured in three 16K branch history tables—local, global, and
selector—that are used to improve the accuracy of future branch predictions.
Local branch prediction takes place as individual instructions are fetched into the pro-
cessor and the types of branches are recorded in the local branch history table. Global
branch prediction occurs at the same time: Branches are identified in their processing
context, relating to preceding and subsequent operations; and the results are recorded
in the global branch history table. The third,“selector” history table identifies which
prediction type, local or global, was more accurate in predicting the outcome of each
branch. This dynamic local/global/selector branch history scheme can predict branch
processes with a high degree of accuracy, allowing the PowerPC G5 to efficiently use
every processing cycle.
Copper interconnects improve conductivity
and boost processor performance.
State-of-the-Art Process Technology from IBM
The PowerPC G5 is fabricated in one of IBM’s world-class semiconductor manufacturing
facilities. With industry-leading build, assembly, and test technology, IBM uses a cutting-
edge 130-nanometer process with more than 58 million silicon-on-insulator (SOI) trans-
istors and eight layers of copper interconnects.
SOI refers to the placement of a thin layer of insulator between transistors and bulk
silicon. When transistors are built on this SOI layer, their capacitance, or the tendency
to store an electrical charge, is reduced—resulting in faster operation.
For further performance gains, an additive-copper wiring process replaces the con-
ventional subtractive-aluminum process. As semiconductor wires are made thinner
and narrower, aluminum resists the flow of electricity and slows down transmission
of electrical signals. Copper wiring is less resistant and results in a 40 percent gain in
conductivity, again for faster processor operation.
IBM is a worldwide leader in processor
fabrication technologies, with a new
$3 billion, state-of-the-art facility in
East Fishkill, New York.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Ultrafast clock speeds and a highly parallel 64-bit architecture make the PowerPC G5
ideal for next-generation multimedia, graphics, and scientific applications. Integer and
floating-point math calculations are faster than ever thanks to 64-bit-wide registers
and data paths.
To demonstrate the performance advantages of this groundbreaking new processor,
Apple put the dual 2GHz Power Mac G5 to the test against the top-of-the-line Pentium
4– and Xeon-based systems, the 3GHz Dell Dimension 8300 and the dual 3.06GHz Dell
Precision 650, respectively.
The Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) CPU2000 benchmark suite
is the recognized industry standard for assessing processing performance. SPEC is a
nonprofit organization of hardware and software vendors, universities, and consultants.
They developed the SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks based on actual end-user applications.
These tests depend on processor, memory subsystem, and compiler performance when
executing integer and floating-point computations. For more information on the bench-
Apple hired an independent laboratory, VeriTest, to conduct the SPEC CPU2000
benchmark tests and provide documented results. Since SPEC CPU2000 measures the
performance of both the hardware and the compiler, VeriTest normalized the compiler
on both platforms to allow for a direct comparison of hardware performance alone.
VeriTest used GCC—an open source compiler popular with programmers around the
world—with similar settings on all systems. (Even though GCC cannot automatically
generate Velocity Engine code for the PowerPC G5, settings included automatic genera-
tion of optimized SSE/SSE2 code for the Pentium 4 and the Xeon.) The Power Mac G5
used Mac OS X v10.2.7 (G5), and the Intel-based systems used Red Hat Linux 9.0.
The SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite comprises four metrics—SPECint_base2000,
SPECfp_base2000, SPECint_rate_base2000, and SPECfp_rate_base2000—to represent
different performance characteristics of the system.
White Paper
PowerPC G5
SPECint_base2000 and SPECfp_base2000 measure the speed of a single task—either
an integer calculation or a floating-point calculation—executing on a single processor.
Each test measures how long the processor takes to complete the benchmark set of
single tasks relative to a SPEC-defined baseline score. SPECint_base2000 is composed
of eleven C and one C++ benchmark applications, including a chess program, a data
compression utility, and a place-and-route simulator. SPECfp_base2000 consists of six
Fortran-77, four Fortran-90, and four C benchmark applications, including shallow-
water modeling, neural-network simulation, and computational chemistry.
SPEC CPU2000: Single-Processor Speed
SPECint_base2000: Integer calculations
Power Mac G5
Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5
Dell Precision 650
Dual 3.06GHz Xeon
Dell Dimension 8300
3GHz Pentium 4
SPECfp_base2000: Floating-point calculations
Power Mac G5
Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5
Dell Precision 650
Dual 3.06GHz Xeon
Dell Dimension 8300
3GHz Pentium 4
SPEC score
In single-processor tests, the Power Mac G5 completed the set of floating-point calculations
21 percent faster than the Pentium 4–based system and 30 percent faster than the Xeon-
based workstation, while it performed slightly below both systems when executing simple
integer calculations.3
White Paper
PowerPC G5
For comparisons that more accurately demonstrate the performance of a dual proces-
sor system, VeriTest used the “SPEC rate” metrics, which recognize multiple processors.
With SPECint_rate_base2000 and SPECfp_rate_base2000, the benchmark code is
compiled and multiple copies are run concurrently, allowing both processors to work
in parallel. SPEC rate tests determine the number of times a system can complete the
benchmark per hour, also referred to as system throughput.
SPEC CPU2000: Dual Processor System Throughput
SPECint_rate_base2000: Integer calculations
Power Mac G5
Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5
Dell Precision 650
Dual 3.06GHz Xeon
Dell Dimension 8300
3GHz Pentium 4
SPECfp_rate_base2000: Floating-point calculations
Power Mac G5
Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5
Dell Precision 650
Dual 3.06GHz Xeon
Dell Dimension 8300
3GHz Pentium 4
SPEC score
These results clearly demonstrate the benefits of the dual processor Power Mac G5. With
full support for symmetric multiprocessing, dual independent 1GHz frontside buses, and
two floating-point units per processor, the dual 2GHz Power Mac G5 completed the set
of floating-point calculations 95 percent faster than the Pentium 4–based system and
42 percent faster than the dual Xeon-based workstation. Integer performance was also
far superior to the Pentium 4–based system and on par with the dual Xeon-based system.3
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Technical Specifications
64-bit PowerPC processor architecture
• Virtual address range: 64 bits, or 18 exabytes
• Physical address range: 42 bits, or 4 terabytes
• Full 64-bit data paths and registers
• Native support for 32-bit application code
• 64K L1 instruction cache; 32K L1 data cache
• 512K internal L2 cache
• Dedicated data flow for dividing one instruction into two internal operations
• Microcoded instructions for up to four internal operations
• Support for up to eight outstanding L1 cache line misses
• Hardware-initiated instruction prefetching from L2 cache
• Hardware- or software-initiated data stream prefetching; support for up to eight
active streams
• Maximum core frequency: 2GHz
Frontside bus
• Throughput: up to 8 GBps per processor
• Frequency: 1GHz DDR
• Width: 64-bit (32-bit in, 32-bit out) bidirectional
Wide execution core
• Support for up to 215 in-flight instructions
• In-order dispatch of up to five operations into distributed issue queue structure
• Simultaneous issue of up to 10 out-of-order operations:
–One Velocity Engine permute operation
–One Velocity Engine arithmetic logic operation
–Two floating-point operations
–Two fixed-point register-to-register operations
–Two load or store operations
–One condition register operation
–One branch operation
• Out-of-order and speculative issue of load operations
• Dual-pipeline 128-bit Velocity Engine for single-instruction, multiple-data
(SIMD) processing
• Two independent floating-point units for double-precision calculations
White Paper
PowerPC G5
Three-component branch prediction logic
• Speculative superscalar inner core organization
• Fast, selective flush of incorrect speculative instructions and results
• Prediction of up to two branches per cycle
• Support for up to 16 predicted branches in flight
• Prediction hints added to branch instructions
• Prediction support for branch direction and branch addresses
Physical specifications
• 58 million transistors
• 130-nanometer, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) process
• Die size: 118 square millimeters
Comparison of PowerPC G4 and PowerPC G5
PowerPC G4
PowerPC G5
Addressable memory
Maximum clock speed
Frontside bus
4 gigabytes
4 terabytes
Up to 167MHz shared
Up to 1GHz per processor
In-flight instructions
Floating-point units
Integer units
Load/Store units
L1 data cache
L1 instruction cache
L2 cache
Branch prediction logic
Process technology
Die size
118 square millimeters
106 square millimeters
“World’s fastest” based on SPEC CPU2000 benchmark results and leading professional application performance tests
against 3GHz Pentium 4–based Dell Dimension 8300 and dual 3.06GHz Xeon-based Dell Precision Workstation 650.
SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks run with GCC 3.3 compiler and independently tested; professional applications tested by
For More Information
For more information about the PowerPC
For more information about the Power
Apple, June 2003. Tests performed by Apple in June 2003 using preproduction Power Mac G5 units. The Power Mac
systems ran a PowerPC G5–optimized version of Photoshop 7.0.1 including optimized AltiVecCore, ACE, and BIB Carbon
Libraries; the Dell Dimension ran Photoshop 7.0.1. Based on SPEC CPU2000 benchmark results against 3GHz Pentium
4–based Dell Dimension 8300 and dual 3.06GHz Xeon-based Dell Precision Workstation 650m, performed by VeriTest,
June 2003.
© 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Final Cut Pro, Mac, Mac OS, and Power Mac are
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Velocity Engine is a trademark of Apple
Computer, Inc. Adobe is a trademark or registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S. and/or other
countries. PowerPC is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation, used under license therefrom. SPEC
information. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Product specifications are subject to change without notice. This material is provided for informational purposes only;
Apple assumes no liability related to its use. July 2003 L29540B
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